The Montreal firm, which has been running pilot and demo plants in Canada for a decade now, is scheduled to open its first commercial scale plant in Edmonton, Alberta, by the end of the year. 位于蒙特利尔的Enerkem公司在加拿大运营试点和示范工厂已达十年之久,而它第一座实现量产的工厂计划于今年年底前在加拿大艾伯塔省埃德蒙顿市开工。
For example, it is not possible to install wind or solar plants on a commercial scale everywhere because some areas of the country are just not windy or sunny enough to yield enough power. 比如,不可能以商业规模到处建立风电场或太阳能发电厂,因为美国有些地区风力不足,日照不够,无法生产足够的电力。
Along the coast at Krung Jaya, clean-up gangs at a highly-specialized installation are working hard to revive another aspect of the fishing industry at the top end of the commercial scale. KrungJaya沿岸,在高度专业化工厂中工作的清理队伍正在努力恢复捕捞业最具商业规模的另一方面。
A method for production of quebrachitol from latex skim on commercial scale by using of extraction process was selected and investigated. 目的:选择适合于工业化生产的从胶清中提取白坚木皮醇的方法。
But attempts to do so on a commercial scale have so far had little success. 但迄今为止,以商业规模养殖海马的尝试基本都未取得成功。
Adiponitrile has been made on a commercial scale by several methods. 已二腈有几种工业规模的制造方法。
Members shall provide for criminal procedures and penalties to be applied at least in cases of wilful trademark counterfeiting or copyright piracy on a commercial scale. 各成员应规定至少将适用于具有商业规模的蓄意假冒商标或盗版案件的刑事程序和处罚。
The first company to implement the technology on a commercial scale was Luz International, an Israeli company founded in1980. 第一个以商业化的规模实施该技术的公司是鲁兹国际公司,这是成立于1980年的一家以色列公司。
Nowhere has coal gasification on the commercial scale been perfected times as it has at the Great plains synfuels plant. 在煤气化工业化方面,没有一个地方像大平原合成燃料厂那样运作的尽善尽美。
They envision a scheme where government and industry work together to build refineries or retrofit existing ones capable of producing drop-in fuels on a commercial scale. 他们的提出的愿景是使政府与产业界共同努力,建造炼油厂或对现有炼油厂进行改型翻新,使之具备生产即到生物燃料的能力。
Study on immersed ultrafiltration membrane for treatment of sludge water supernatant In the slurry dewatering test with commercial scale of Belt Press Filter, slurry went out the belt when it passed through the pressure area. 外压浸入式超滤膜处理排泥水上清液的研究在带式压滤机脱水工业性试验中,污泥从压力脱水区带两侧外溢。
The cultivation of bees on a commercial scale for the production of honey. 大规模的生产蜂蜜的蜜蜂培养。
It is expected that the way has been paced for the development of on line NIRS in commercial scale. 这为下一步近红外光谱在线测量仪的开发奠定了理论基础。
The US failed to convince the judges that thresholds for criminal prosecution of people pirating copyrighted goods were so high they in effect allowed sales of illegal items on a commercial scale. 美方未能说服法官,中国对盗版版权产品者提起刑事诉讼的门槛太高,实际上允许以商业规模销售非法商品。
Several types of technology capture, liquefy and store the carbon dioxide produced by burning coal, but none has yet been proven on a commercial scale. 有几种技术能够捕捉、液化并埋存燃煤产生的二氧化碳,但迄今还没有一种技术在商用规模下得到验证。
Countering this problem, the commercial scale trail of oxygen rich leaching of peroxyl was carried out. 针对这个问题,进行了过氧化氢富氧浸出工业试验。
Due to the long-term influence of the planned administrative system, the commercial scale and speed of the new and high technologies are limited in one way or anther in CAEP. 由于计划管理体制的长期影响,中物院推进高新技术商业化受多种因素制约,限制了其规模与速度。
Such predicted results is in good agreement with data of pilot test in commercial scale to a certain extent. 尔后的工业试验数据与估计的数据在一定程度上是吻合的。
This article presents a method for predicting the distribution of gas components coming from different sources and provides theoretical information for the analysis of coal combustion and calcium carbonate decomposition on the commercial scale. 提出了一种预测分解炉内不同来源气体成分分布的方法,为工业研究分解炉中煤粉燃烧和碳酸钙分解问题提供了理论依据。
This paper, based on a commercial scale experiment, presents a new process for crude lead pyro refining. 在工业实验的基础上,提出了一个粗铅火法精炼的全新流程。
Based on history match, we study production technology policy limitation about different commercial scale and injection-production ratio, and then, we design the reasonable operational parameters. It will provide rational theoretical guidance to the development of the low-permeability oilfield. 在历史拟合的基础上,研究了不同生产规模和不同注采比的开发技术政策界限,设计了合理的开发参数,对低渗透油田的开发具有一定的指导作用。
The production and application of photoresist, specialty chemicals for flat panel display, printed circuit board material, high-purity reagent, specialty gas and packaging material in China were summarized. At present, 1000 electronic chemicals can be produced in China in commercial scale or in batches. 综述了我国光刻胶、FPD专用化学品、印刷电路板材料、高纯试剂、电子特种气体和封装材料的生产和应用现状,目前我国能工业化生产或批量生产的电子化学品近1000种。
In the developing the oxidative dehydrogenation of butene process, it is found that the effect of heat feedback through reactor wall is different between laboratory and commercial scale reactors. 在丁烯氧化脱氢反应过程的开发放大中,发现实验室反应器和工业规模反应器通过反应器壁的热反馈存在不同的影响。
The flotation process is simple and easy to be used in commercial scale production. 浮选工艺流程简单,易于实现工业化生产。
The commercial scale test was conducted for impurity molybdenum removal from tungstate solution by selective precipitation method. 对选择性沉淀法从钨酸盐溶液中除钼新工艺进行了工业试验。
The distribution of magnetic field in commercial scale electromagnetic soft-contact mold was investigated with numerical sim-ulation. 应用数值模拟讨论了工业实验软接触电磁连铸结晶器结构参数对结晶器内部磁场的影响规律。
The value of pressure drop in a commercial scale catalytic-distillation tower was also estimated. 对工业规模的催化精馏塔的床层压降进行了理论估算。
It is a referential use for the design of spouted bed in commercial scale. 对于工业规模喷动床设计,具有一定的参考价值。
The plan of commercial scale design is determined through lab experiment and expand test. 经过小试和扩大试验,确定了工业化设计的方案。